What We Offer

Telephone Helpline

We have a dedicated telephone line with voicemail.


If you would like us to contact you, please call 07912 626623 -we will call you back as soon as we possibly can.


We offer:


  • Understanding approach
  • Advice
  • Signposting people to our group

Group Meetings

Our Group Support Meetings are held face-to-face usually once a month at the Portsmouth Carers Centre, Southsea, starting at 7:00pm. Please check our Facebook and X pages to confirm the date of the next meeting. Occasionally dates change at short notice due to Pompey home matches.


You may also contact us via email, the Contact Form on this website or by telephone if you would like a confidential chat.


Group meetings are open to everyone. Please call us on 07912 626623 or just turn up.


Our leaflet is available to download (see below), print off and pass to anyone you think may find our services useful.

One to One Support

We offer a confidential one to one peer-led support service to any member who is going through a tough time and finds it difficult to talk in a group setting.


We can offer this to anyone who attends our group or calls us on our phone support line.

Facebook Support Group

We have a Private Facebook Group to enable members to offer each other support and advice when needed.  As a Private Group, posts and discussions and the Group membership will NOT be visible to other people on Facebook.  Invitations to join are sent out to people who LIKE the Facebook page.


Please respect each other in any discussions you participate in, and protect the confidentiality of Group members and anybody whose circumstances may be under discussion.  The Group will be monitored and discussions moderated where necessary!


The Facebook Group is intended as an additional service - we hope you find it useful.


Leaflets to Download

Rebound Group Flyer
The Rebound Group leaflet is available to download - please feel free to pass it on to anyone who you think may find our services useful.
Rebound Flyer Updated Phone Number.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.0 MB]
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© Rebound Carers' Group